Xiaomi has unveiled new the Xiaomi Smart Glasses – its first new smart eye wearable device. The Xiaomi Smart Glasses look like normal sunglasses but are embedded with sensors and an imaging system to enable various smart features including navigation and real-time text translation. The Xiaomi Smart Glasses are lightweight, weighing at 51 grams and integrate a new MicroLED optical waveguide technology to display messages and notifications in front of your eyes, the company said. The Xiaomi Smart Glasses are also said to be able to make calls, offer navigation using augmented reality (AR), capture photos, and translate text right before your eyes.The new Xiaomi Smart Glasses have been announced but pricing and availability information was not revealed. The wearable is likely to first be made available in China before coming to global markets. Xiaomi’s new Smart Glasses will compete with Facebook’s recently introduced Ray-Ban Stories smart glasses. Facebook has adopted the classic Wayfarer frames and integrated smart components to enable several functionalities.The Xiaomi Smart Glasses have a squarish frame with a band running on top. The band that sits on top of the ears is slightly thick, presumably laden with sensors. As mentioned, the glasses adopt the MicroLED imaging technology to lower the design space needed in structural design, as well as the overall weight of the device. Xiaomi says that MicroLEDs have a higher pixel density and a simpler structure. This allows for a more compact display, as well as easier screen integration. It has a display chip measuring just 2.4×2.02mm. Under a microscope, Xiaomi says the display is roughly the size of a grain of rice, with individual pixels sized at 4μm.
Xiaomi has opted for a monochrome display solution to allow sufficient light to pass through and it is said to be capable of reaching a peak brightness of 2 million nits. The company says that the Xiaomi Smart Glasses integrates a total of 497 components including miniature sensors and communication modules. According to Xiaomi, the wearable is able to do independent operations like navigation, take photos, act as a teleprompter, and offer real-time text and photo translations. Xiaomi Smart Glasses are also said to minimise interruptions at inconvenient times and display important information when it is critical.The new Xiaomi Smart Glasses weigh only 51 grams, and it supports XiaoAI AI assistant for voice commands. This is said to the ‘primary interaction method’. The glasses will filter notifications and display only the most important ones. For instance, smart home alarms, urgent information from office apps, and messages from important contacts will be given priority over others. The new glasses come with built-in dual beamforming microphone and speaker to enable phone calling feature. In addition, Xiaomi Smart Glasses can present roads and maps in front of you in real time so that you can keep your eyes on the road safely and conveniently.
There is a 5-megapixel camera integrated on the Xiaomi Smart Glasses to take photos and translate text as well. The company says that the Xiaomi Smart Glasses are also capable of transcribing audio into text with translations in real time. Other features include a quad-core ARM processor, a touch pad, and support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Xiaomi says that the Smart Glasses run on the Android operating system.
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