The Samsung Galaxy M52 5G launch date has finally been revealed. The South Korean firm has put out a teaser for the Galaxy M52 5G on Amazon India. The company has decided to market this handset as a “Leanest. Meanest. Monster.” The teaser mentions that the Galaxy M52 5G will be 7.4mm thin. Going by the picture, the phone appears to sport a striped rear design along with a triple-camera setup at the back, which is in line with the recent leak from Moving around the front, the display will feature a punch-hole camera. While Samsung hasn’t shared the full list of features, we do have some speculations based on previous leaks.
Samsung Galaxy M52 5G Specifications
1. 7.4mm Sleep Monster
Specially created as the Leanest meanest Monster, the galaxy M52 5G makes you look like a cut above the rest with its 7.4m sleek and slim design.
2. 6nm Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G Processor
Ramp up the performance of your phone with the powerful 6nm Snapdragon 778G processor It comes with a speedier CPU. Now Power through the most action packed to-do list or game like a pro.
3. Monster FHD+ sAMOLED+ 120Hz
The Samung Galaxy M52 comes with a best-in-class and super-smooth refresh rate at 120Hz. Whats More? Loaded with a dynamic and immersive viewing experience, its segment best FHD+ sAMOLED+ display is here to change the viewing experience forever.
4. 11 Bands 5G Connectivity
As the country gears up for the 5G revolution, here is your chance to be future ready and enjoy the seamless and non stop 5G experience. No matter what the 5G band is, the Samsung Galaxy 5G M32 can support Galaxy 5G-11 bands.
5. Monster Safety with Knox security + Alt Z
Protect your phone with Knox Security from the minute it’s turned on. This Meanest Monster provides multi-layered security and defends your private information from malware and malicious threats.
Alt Z lets you seamlessly switch back and forth to access your information from private and public profile.
Samsung Galaxy M52 5G Launch Date and Pricing
The Galaxy M52 5G will go on sale on the 3rd of October on Amazon. The price has been fixed at Rs. 34,999/-. However you can save Rs. 6000/- by exchanging your old phone as well as using an introductory coupon from Amazon for Rs. 1000/-
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